Welcome to the Archives!

The archive is a place where I archive information which can be anything from websites, documents, videos, etc. as long as the information is not pornography and doesn't have a paywall. An example of what can be archived is the Linus Tech Tips YouTube channel.

Current archives include the Linus Tech Tips YouTube channel, in the event that their channel goes down or they remove a video it will be re-uploaded if the video doesn't violate TOS and doesn't contain personal information.

If you would like me to archive a site, video, or channel please send me an email which can be found on the more page

Archive start date: (DD/MM/YYYY)

Linus Tech Tips:  (02/05/2021)

The archives will be made publicly available if the piece of information is no longer available through their original source

If I receive a request to remove copyrighted information then I will do so assuming that the one requesting the removal is the owner or representative of the copyright holder. To request this please send me an email.